Hello All!
The last couple of weeks has been a pretty exciting time for Nutmeg and myself (ruff ruff ;-)). I uploaded my ebook to Amazon.com (check it out if you haven’t already – leave a review if you can), toasted a shot of Patron Tequila for a dead homie in particular (sorry for not watching your 6 last night (quick pee break)) and enjoyed the pleasant sounds of the banter of crickets until that first sale and review came in. So far I have five reviews, but based on sales I’m expecting a couple of handful more eventually. The first consensus has been positive (I’m waiting on that special bitter one, who had a bad day at the office, and just want to make a girl cry (JK)). So far I deem my long and winding journey a major success (actually, I did that already, since I finished writing an actual book – if you have too toast it up!). Since I’ve yet to do any real advertising as of date to get my name out there I’m pleased. Remember from my last blog I stated it’s all on me now. Well … I wanted to hold off until I completed my paperback and had it in hand. By the way, I HAVE AN ACTUAL PAPERBACK AND IT’S IN HAND (the proof copy anyhow. The complimentary copy is on the way). Of course, I immediately gave it a read … while lying on my dining room hardwood floor no less … and without a pillow … okay, maybe one pillow, but it’s really soft. Self-judgment? Hey, this writer has something to offer … and since Nutmeg in incapable of reading fiction (he’s into doggy porn … but only for the articles) that leaves rest of the readying minds in the universe. By the way, CreateSpace turns out some really goodlooking books. I actually cried when I saw the finished product … my finished product! The last few years I have lived in seclusion creating and writing and trashing and crying only rewrite everything again (you get the idea) and now, finally, I’m able to offer my unique world of Perfects, hidden in word form out to the world … to you. And the fine folks over at Amazon, has given me a platform, an outlet to reach you if you will … the intelligent reader. Of course, at this point, not many of you know who the hell I am, or what I’m exactly about … yet, or that my new series even exist. Yet. I was told, “yes” when a tree falls in the forest it is definitely heard … buddy, that’s a damn lie! Which leaves me only one other choice: to get up off my sexy bum and shake down every squirrel, jack rabbit, fox, coyote, and grizzle bear and send them on a mighty quest to make sure all four corners of the earth have been told about that fallen tree: me! OR… I can just introduce myself to you in a polite normal manner (Yeah. That might work a little better. Besides my grizzle bear is starving for red meat.) Which brings me back to advertising. Once I received my first box of fresh paperbacks, hot off the presses, I commenced my woman lead publicity storm. I hope you all get extremely wet (that sounded less raunchy in my head). Thank God there are tons of resources out there for the independent author to springboard off to make a plash. My choice was a collection of sites and services to initiate contact (I come in peace). I love making the decisions, but absolutely hate when the ones I’ve made turn out to be horrible. Luckily for you I don’t make many mistakes in my life … I’m a Perfect! (Yeah. Right. You believe that I have acres & ACRES of prime swampland to sell you.) Seriously though, I’ve connected with what I believe to be the 1st first wave of attack, which will hopefully edge you and I closer to a meaningful and fulfilling friendship. But first, I had to get dollied up, put on a cute coral mini skirt and hit a few libraries in my area (kudos to Rogers and Bentonville Library, plus the many others), start advertising on Amazon, Facebook (do people get on here to be sold something?), Bargain Booksy, Bookdaily to name a few. I didn’t make the cut with Booksends, BookBub, but hey there’s always next month. There’s a lot of competition to get product out there. I’m also doing a giveaway on LibraryThing until the first of March. So far I offered 40 paperbacks to be read and this morning I saw I actually have 59 requests to read in the span of 3 days. THAT’S FREAKIN’ AWESOME TO ME!!! I just provide another 10 paperbacks to show my appreciation for those other readers who may not get a book. If you’re still clueless as to who the hell I am just wait for it - my ebook goes on sale from the 12th of February to the 19th of February for a low LOW PRICE of .99 cents! On Amazon (Wow! What? Are you freaking kiddin’ me?? I have to go cope that!!). And if you’re a paperback kind of girl like me (or boy), who simply adores the true feel of paper edged in between your fingers as you’re trapped in this story, then you can also cope one or a few from Amazon.com as well. So that is my grand plan as of today. Calee, my awesome editor, is in the process of editing Book Two as we speak and I’m giving Book Three another read now, so this should be a fun ride. I put out a book … and it’s actually been read! Nothing’s better than that … except, maybe millions of readers knowing what a Perfect and a Fearian is. Did I mention I’ve already penned the adaptations? I truly believe. Even Shakespeare had his day eventually … please don’t make me wait until I’m dead … I won’t be able to tweet you back … not to mention I’ll probably smell terrible … and no amount of lotion will be able to help my decomposing issue, so … yeah … you should probably get me now. Anyhoo… When I have more curious onlookers I will post more ... lots more. Until then, duty calls.
AuthorI love writing fiction, screenplays and playing Call of Duty online at 4am in the morning! Archives
July 2018
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