Hello All!
Life is indeed good! As you all know by now (then again you wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t – duh!) I have set out on a self-publishing quest to discover the literary world, and of course, my humble place in it. The year: 1492, and I’m Christopher Columbus, sailing across the ocean on the Santa Maria, out to discover a brave new world (Americas), only I don’t have wooden dentures, I’m not wearing a white wig that covers my frilly bangs, no leggings and there aren’t any West Indies inhabitants enslaved below deck on my voyage. Okay, maybe my journey isn’t so similar … but the choppy waters I’m enduring have made me want to vomit a time or two. But like I’m sure Chris did during his reign, I’m choosing to stay positive and keep my eye on the prize … without enslaving anyone. Anyhoo… Can you believe it’s already the middle of MARCH??? OMG! It was just Black History Month and then New Years before that. I can actually layout some days in my backyard … well, if I didn’t have so much to do like getting my book out to the readers of the world. Not an easy feat for a self-published author, but not totally impossible either. Still… (A mini rant coming) I am so thankful to be alive and even better doing something I love to do: write novels and screenplays, teleplays, lyrics and poems… you get the picture. Some people, some I know personally, haven’t been able to take this New Year for granted like a lot of us have. You never know when something bad hits your life out of nowhere and you lose a leg or something … all I’m saying is I feel blessed to be alive. Now, back to our regular scheduled programming: discovering being discovered! So, the joy I’ve been basking in seeing my book (ebook & paperback) on Amazon and Createspace has been tremendously fulfilling, and I’ve even sold some books (Wahoo!) that means somebody out there in the world is walking around with my ebook on their Kindle Fire or ipad Pro or perhaps my cute paperback tucked underneath an armpit or school backpack or designer handbag, on there way to Starbucks to get a Mocca Swiss Latte and a bit of light reading in on their day off … wow, I like days off. Look mom! I made it! If I was in Hollywood this would be the equivalent to booking my first TV gig (An actual speaking role on Saving Hope), but I’m still busting tables at Spargo’s, hoping to bump into Mr. Spielberg on his way to the toilet to pinch off a loaf and nothing to read … or wipe with. So anyway, I gassed up the hooptie, loaded a few boxes filled with “Perfect: The Call” (Now on sale at Amazon.com for a low price of $0.99 – go ahead, I’ll wait…), scooped up Nut Meg and his rubber ducky chew toy and set out on a road trip all over Arkansas and even parts of Oklahoma, hitting every library with a new copy of my book. And why not…? It was a beautiful sunny morning, I love how my hair feels blowing in the wind, Xzibit and Snoop Dogg blasting out my car speakers and my lead foot zipping along Highway 49, plus a cool cop detector App on my iphone 6 to keep the good vibes flowing (hey, don’t judge me, speeding tickets nowadays are stupid-crazy expensive). I got to tell you. I was both humbled and excited—or maybe it was relief that my book efforts were well received all across the land. My smile was on point, and my pitch was perfect (pardon the pun) … of course I did have on my favorite boob shirt (guarantee to make you look 2 cup sizes larger) so I don’t know, maybe I was just … lucky ;-) Either way it was a damn good day! A close friend asked me why didn’t I just mail them out like I did with my first giveaway on LibraryThing? Simple. I want to get out and greet as many librarians (true book lovers) as I could. They’re good people, and they know what readers like. Plus, any city and state beyond my 150-mile radius I just slipped a note and dropped a fresh copy at USPS (also good people). So I finally made it home near evening time and another close friend of mind (not quite a boyfriend but more than a booty call and Call To Duty teammate) treated me to a cordial dinner at Applebee’s across from the mall in Fayetteville (what can I say, I’m a low maintenance gal) then I called it a night with someone special licking my toes for dessert … I mean Nut meg, silly, get your dirty mind out of the gutter! This isn’t a Playboy blog. Anyway, I told you last time about my very first giveaway over at LibraryThing.com and it was a major success. I even had one recipient from Florida give me uplifting words with a good review both on the site, a personal message and then on Amazon.com (of course another one trashed it so I’m somewhat conflicted … not really. Forty-eight to go.) So, I had over 250 requests for one of fifty paperbacks. Talk about making ones day. Most of the request selected where from the good ole U.S of A (good looking out), but a few where from Canada (good day, eh!), and the UK (ello gov’ner), but remarkably I had some requests from Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Algeria, Denmark, and Indonesia! Wahoo!!! I sent them all out. Some of the addresses where a little out of the ordinary (American ordinary that is:-O) but I think I got it right. So please be looking out for those packages. I didn’t autograph the books but I wrote a nice little ‘thank you’ note to show my appreciation :) I hope the others who won a book from me were true book lovers and not just some ‘wannabe critic’ looking to make a name for themselves by proving they can be a hardass who can trash a new book and not write one better ;) ANYHOO… Oh yeah, Umroh from Indonesia, I’ve never seen a street with 15 words in the address before, but I wrote it as it appeared. And Naseer from Pakistan, I was curious if your address was ‘Near Universitry Road’ or if that was apart of the actual address. Cool address anyway. As long as you get the package I sent then it’s all good. Plus… With the first book of my series being read by some book lovers I decided to do it again on Goodreads, only I’m just doing 10 this time and it’ll only be for the US and Canada. I wish I could send them around the world, that would be awesome but overseas postage gets expensive pretty damn quick, so… maybe book two (which is freakin’ good if you ask me!). Seriously, if you’re feeling book one I think you’re going to like book two. So get ready for it. Not to mention the movie adaptations are pretty hot too. But back to Goodreads… (wow! 154 request so far… I’m humbled.) I feel a little more timid this go around being the crowd tends to be younger and a bit more volatile with regards to their reviews in some retrospect. But, hey, if you want to play with the big dogs, I guess you have to kill your fears of being bitten by pissy fleas, right? ;) I’ll keep you posted as my journey progresses. Stay with me. Oh, yeah, follow me on twitter. @ScarletDvore (if you want to talk, hit me up. Thank you!)
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AuthorI love writing fiction, screenplays and playing Call of Duty online at 4am in the morning! Archives
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